Aligning with the Water Element

How good are you at naturally going with the flow in life?

Our ancestors were so good at naturally aligning with the seasons, but it has become lost on us and our modern, technologically advanced society. It's almost like we've become too smart for our own good in many ways.

When we intentionally align our lives with the seasons, we create a resonance with Mother Nature and God, which provides balance in our lives on many levels. Wintertime is associated with the water element, as well as the urogenital system. This houses our kidneys, the bladder, adrenal glands, and reproductive organs. Essentially, adopting a seasonal lifestyle puts us in a nourishing rhythm with nature and life itself.



    Water is life. It is both nourishing and cleansing. It purifies, heals and sustains life, creating ease & flow when used in a balance. Routinely take baths, intentionally using it as a time to disconnect from the outside and reconnect to SELF. Keep your phone in the other room for a #techbreak.


    All water is not created equally. Drink water that is pure and filtered (ideally alkaline). This helps reduce the burden on the adrenals and kidneys. If you drink distilled water, be sure you are taking some kind of vitamin/mineral formula, as vital minerals are removed in the distillation process.


    When we desire guidance from those who came before us, offering something in return for their assistance (re)activates a symbiotic relationship. This can be as simple as offering a fresh glass of water daily in an area of your home that you can dedicate for this honoring of the ancestors. You can even make a daily habit of greeting them each morning and evening, holding space and gratitude for the guidance, wisdom, and protection they can provide (if we are open to it!).


Your kidneys are two mighty organs that work together to clean your blood, balance your blood pressure, and stabilize your equilibrium. But did you know that the adrenals and kidneys hold onto fear and anxiety? When you experience these, one approach is to target your kidney health with herbal medicines and nutrients that can detoxify and rejuvenate them to an optimally functioning state.

Cleansing the kidneys and bladder, and supporting the adrenal glands not only provide physical benefits but also help to remove fear, phobias, and anxiety. This can have a positive impact on your reproductive health and mental wellness. Sign me up for less anxiety or fear any day of the week!

What could a healthier urogenital system mean for you? How about no urinary tract infections (UTIs), better reproductive health, less incontinence, and overall healthier kidneys!


There are lots of foods and plants that contribute to kidney health, helping to remove toxins, reduce inflammation, and dissolve stones. Some you’ll find in an herbal combination formula, while others you can find at your local supermarket…

  1. Dandelion leaf and root - The leaf of the dandelion plant is an excellent kidney tonic, while the root of the plant favors the liver. The entire plant provides vitamins and minerals like iron, potassium, silicon, magnesium, zinc, and manganese. Dandelion root stimulates bile production to improve digestion and minimize the waste reaching the kidneys. Enjoy fresh dandelion leaves in salad or steamed with other greens, or simply make a cleansing tea from either the fresh or dried leaves.

  1. Lemon juice - Although lemon juice is naturally acidic, it leaves behind an alkaline residue in the body, increasing citrate levels in urine, which discourages the formation of kidney stones. Lemon juice also helps to filter the blood and flushes out wastes and other toxins. Each morning (ideally) or any other time of day, enjoy a tall glass of pure water with the juice from half a lemon to provide a gentle cleansing, or scrubbing action on the organs. Daily intake of diluted lemon juice in this way can reduce the rate of kidney stone formation and dissolves calcium oxalate crystals, which is the most common constituent of kidney stones.

  2. Pomegranate juice - Both the juice and seeds of pomegranate contain large amounts of potassium, which is effective in removing kidney stones. Potassium lowers acidity of urine, prevents stone formation because of its astringent properties, curtails crystallization of minerals, and helps to flush toxins and waste from the kidneys.

Have concerns about your kidneys, reproduction, or bladder health? You’ll definitely want to try our Kidney-Bladder Wash, available in the Apothecary.


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